Well, we survived Thanksgiving turkey and the hustle and bustle of Christmas. We're now in the final days of the year and ready to enter 2017. I am grateful for the countless holiday messages sent to me via text, email and social media from my friends, family and even those I have never met. You blessed me with your words and I regret not being able to personally reply to each and every one of you. Please forgive me and know that I love you dearly!
I have to say, I have been overwhelmed by how God has blessed me, my family and our church this year. In the latter part of 2015, God revealed to me that 2016 would be a GAME CHANGER. Boy, was it ever! From Heart Weekend with Dr. Joyce Haddon, to a REFUGE Conference not only in Salem but in Detroit, Michigan to incredible additions to our CLC family with The Church from North Salem (Now part of CLC Salem) and A Place of Grace Church in Wilsonville (Now CLC Wilsonville). We also extended our CLC reach even further with Evangelist Ginny & Reid Houser who have come under the covering of Connection Life Church and based out of Counsil Bluffs, Iowa.
In addition to all the ministry growth here at CLC this year, we have also seen the largest influx of members than ever before in the history of our church. We are so excited to have so many new family members and partners in ministry. God has truly kept His word and empowered us with the help we need to do more ministry in our communities!
It's been an incredible year and one that I'll never forget. Thank you so much for being a part of it! You have been a blessing to me personally and I look forward to even more of what God will do in 2017, The Year of Expansion! I'll post more on that soon!!!
For now, I'm praying for you and I'll see you next year.